CFA Working Document: Bacillus Relevance to chilled prepared foods
Relevance of B. cereus to chilled prepared foods including produce
It is important to understand the pathogenic potential of various B. cereus Groups and their relevance to chilled prepared foods including fresh produce. B. cereus is responsible for two types of food poisoning, diarrhoeal (an infection) and emetic (an intoxication); however, no reported outbreaks of food poisoning have been associated with B. cereus and correctly stored commercially-produced minimally processed chilled foods, of which in the UK alone, more than 10^10 packs of these foods have been sold in recent years without reported illness, thus the risk presented is very low. The lack of association between diarrhoeal food poisoning and correctly stored commercially-produced minimally processed chilled foods indicates an infectious dose has not been reached. This may reflect low pathogenicity of psychrotrophic strains. The lack of reported association of psychrotrophic B. cereus with emetic illness and correctly stored commercially-produced minimally processed chilled foods indicates that a toxic dose of the emetic toxin has not been formed. Laboratory studies show that strains form very small quantities of emetic toxin at chilled temperatures.
Our Working Document "Bacillus relevance to chilled prepared foods" sets out technical detail and controls to be used.
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Chilled food production in the UK is one of the world’s fastest-growing, most innovative and advanced food sectors. Currently worth more than £10bn, it employs more than 100,000 people at 130 sites and each year puts 15,000+ different foods on shelves. CFA represents many of the UK’s biggest chilled food manufacturers.
The Chilled Food Association (CFA), the people behind Chilled Education, represents some of the biggest UK chilled food manufacturers. Established 35 years ago, its members supply major retailers with foods ranging from sandwiches and prepared salad to chilled prepared meals and desserts.